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In the north to Hus

Andrea Otto - Bj. 1981

Andrea lives with her family and her three Belgian shepherd dogs of the "Malinois" variety on a small farm in northern Germany.


Her passion has been her four-legged friends and dog training since she was a child. Her heart beats for the protection dog sport as well as for the rescue dog work and has been actively practiced by her for over 25 years.


She has been holding rescue dog seminars throughout Germany since 2009 and successfully passes on her training principles and operational experience to interested squadrons and sports enthusiasts.



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Built in 1981 in the north

Andrea lives with her family and her three Malinois on a small farm in northern Germany.

From childhood, her passion belongs to her four-legged friends and dog training. Her heart beats for protective dog sport as well as for rescue dog work and has been actively practiced by her for over 20 years.

She has been holding rescue dog seminars across Germany since 2009 and passes on her training and operational experience to interested teams and sports enthusiasts.





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