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Good from experience!
Built in 1981 in the north
Andrea lives with her family and her three Malinois on a small farm in northern Germany.
From childhood, her passion belongs to her four-legged friends and dog training. Her heart beats for protective dog sport as well as for rescue dog work and has been actively practiced by her for over 20 years.
She has been holding rescue dog seminars across Germany since 2009 and passes on her training and operational experience to interested teams and sports enthusiasts.
Der Auftakt der Seminartätigkeit begann im Oktober 2009 beim Schäferhundverein, als die Dozentin in der Landesgruppe 01 Hamburg-Schleswig-Holstein die sportlich ausgeübte Rettungshundearbeit in Theorie und Praxis vorstellte. Nach einer gelungenen Veranstaltung, bei dem die Teilnehmer einen ersten Eindruck und Spaß an der Arbeit bekamen, ging es für die Dozentin beruflich in den Auslandseinsatz nach Afghanistan, wo sie von November 2009 - März 2010 im Außenlager "Kunduz" als beweglicher Arzttrupp (BAT) ihren Dienst verrichte.
Eine bewegte Zeit, in der es durch die Erlebnisse im Einsatz galt, sich feste Ziele für die Rückkehr in der Heimat zu setzen. Die Idee die Seminare fortzusetzen und durch die Bundesrepublik und draüber hinaus zu touren, kam der Dozentin schon während der Einsatzzeit und erfreute sie nach Rückkehr als neues Projekt umsetzen zu können. Anfänglich noch gemeinsam mit der damaligen Dt. Meisterin RH Fährte, einige Jahre später dann wieder als Einzelreferentin unter neuer Namensgebung bei gleichbleibender Qualität und Freude bei der Ausbildung.
In the north to Hus
Andrea Otto - Bj. 1981
Andrea lives with her family and her three Belgian shepherd dogs of the "Malinois" variety on a small farm in northern Germany.
Her passion has been her four-legged friends and dog training since she was a child. Her heart beats for the protection dog sport as well as for the rescue dog work and has been actively practiced by her for over 25 years.
She has been holding rescue dog seminars throughout Germany since 2009 and successfully passes on her training principles and operational experience to interested squadrons and sports enthusiasts.
Entwicklung in den Jahren
Andrea lives with her family and her three Malinois on a small farm in northern Germany.
From childhood, her passion belongs to her four-legged friends and dog training. Her heart beats for protective dog sport as well as for rescue dog work and has been actively practiced by her for over 20 years.
She has been holding rescue dog seminars across Germany since 2009 and passes on her training and operational experience to interested teams and sports enthusiasts.
Der Preis des Erfolges ist Hingabe, harte Arbeit und unablässiger Einsatz für das, was man erreichen will.
Frank Lloyd Wright
Play, fun & motivation is the key to success
As a motivator for the training, the focus for the lecturer is primarily on having fun at work for both dog and owner. She maintains a trusting relationship with her dogs, whose bond is understood as the basis for joint training. In training she works stress-free with lots of praise and a reward system adapted to the dog.
With every training session, her dogs not only learn the pure behavior that she wants to teach them, but they always associate a certain feeling with the signals and the situation. The positive emotions that develop and are transmitted when working together, as well as the right dose of motivation, are crucial for a long-lasting human-dog relationship and the key to success. Her first rescue dog "Frisbee vom rote Merlin" should be mentioned here by name, as she was very successful in various championships for seven years in a row and her motivation and enjoyment of her work was always available into old age.
Over time, the lecturer has worked with many different dog characters and learned to adapt to each type of dog individually. She quickly recognizes the potential of the dog and clearly points out the strengths and weaknesses in order to work on them.
Einblicke in die Ausbildung und Seminare
Aufbau Verbellen Bentley 11 Wochen
Eigenanzeige Bugatti 4 Monate_abstand mit leine korrigiert
Eigenanzeige Bugatti 4 Monate
TOP Themen aus den Seminaren
Modern training at eye level
The lecturer has been interested in all spas to do with dogs since she was a child - thanks to which she was able to acquire sound knowledge in this area over time. The variety of topics not only extends to general breed knowledge, keeping and training a dog, but also to topics such as e.g. B. Birth, rearing, imprinting, learning theories, behavioral studies, special dog training to anatomy, genetic dispositions, clinical pictures and health teaching of a dog. Through regular further training in this sector, the latest findings from development and research are always incorporated into their training.
In addition to the private training experience in the field of dog sports, the lecturer gained valuable experience in adult training during her 12 years of active military service, used as a trained teaching sergeant in theoretical and practical medical training with various management tasks and positions. After completing her service as a regular soldier, she returned to public service after completing her studies in administrative law and, among other things, supervises the trainees in her area as a practical instructor. In this area, too, the lecturer regularly takes part in further training courses, primarily in order to develop personally, but also to be able to consider other perspectives and perspectives and to be able to apply the knowledge acquired in practice.
With the necessary knowledge of human nature, a dose of humor and a certain empathy, it understands them Lecturer the participants in the seminars there to pick up where they need support on their educational paths to them to successfully achieve their goals.
Modern training at eye level
The lecturer has been interested in all spas to do with dogs since she was a child - thanks to which she was able to acquire sound knowledge in this area over time. The variety of topics not only extends to general breed knowledge, keeping and training a dog, but also to topics such as e.g. B. Birth, rearing, imprinting, learning theories, behavioral studies, special dog training to anatomy, genetic dispositions, clinical pictures and health teaching of a dog. Through regular further training in this sector, the latest findings from development and research are always incorporated into their training.
In addition to the private training experience in the field of dog sports, the lecturer gained valuable experience in adult training during her 12 years of active military service, used as a trained teaching sergeant in theoretical and practical medical training with various management tasks and positions. After completing her service as a regular soldier, she returned to public service after completing her studies in administrative law and, among other things, supervises the trainees in her area as a practical instructor. In this area, too, the lecturer regularly takes part in further training courses, primarily in order to develop personally, but also to be able to consider other perspectives and perspectives and to be able to apply the knowledge acquired in practice.
With the necessary knowledge of human nature, a dose of humor and a certain empathy, it understands them Lecturer the participants in the seminars there to pick up where they need support on their educational paths to them to successfully achieve their goals.